Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Perspective, Perspective, Perspective. I can't emphasize enough how important it is to learn and understand the proper use of perspective when drawing or painting a picture. Even if you paint loosely or semi-impressionistic, good perspective will add tremendously to the quality of your work. A good example is when drawing a building or even a little shed. If the front wall base line is parallel to the horizon (eye) line it is impossible to see any other side of the object.You will see this in many paintings and say to yourself "it just doesn't look right". Well, it isn't right and that is why it doesn't look right. Correct perspective is easy to learn and is super important in creating good paintings.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting point. Sometimes I see art that doesn't look right but I can't figure out why. I'll start looking for incorrect usage of perspective now. By the way, I like your blog.
